
Currently, considerable efforts must be put to find optimal solution for NP-Hard 4 problems. Reoptimisation deals with, If given an optimal solution to a problem instance \(I_O\), can we find a good approximated solution to instance \(I_N\), where \(I_N\) is \(I_O\) with some ‘local’ modifications? The goal is to expose some well known reoptimization algorithms. Some references 1 2 3.


Escoffier, B., Bonifaci, V., Ausiello, G.: Complexity and approximation in reoptimization (02 2011), <>


Vazirani, V.V.: Approximation algorithms. Springer (2001) <>


Wikipedia: Approximation algorithms


Wikipedia: NP-Hard



  • (Recommended) Python versions: >=3.6, <=3.9.*


  • Option 1

    To Install the stable latest package from pypi host

    pip install reoptimization-algorithms

  • Option 2

    To install directly from source execute the following in source root directory

    python install


Implementation basically consists of

  1. Having a graph data structure utility

  2. Implementing the respective graph algorithm methods

Graph Data structure

A graph \(G\) is a pair of sets \((V, E)\), where \(V\) is the set of vertices and \(E\) is the set of edges formed by pairs of vertices in \(V\)
An unordered graph is a graph where \(E\) is formed by unordered pairs of vertices
We consider path as ordered set of vertices where adjacent vertices forms an edge and by path length we refer as number of vertices in it
We say a set of vertices covers a path if at least one vertex from the set belongs to the set of the vertices in the path
  • The graph data structure implementation here is based on an adjacency list representation.

  • The adjacency structure is implemented as a Python dictionary of dictionaries, the outer dictionary is keyed by vertices and mapped to neighboring vertex forming an edge.

  • Vertices and Edges are provided with a weight property

  • Supports CRUD operations on vertices and edges of graph

  • References 5 6 7


Introduction to Graph Theory. Prentice Hall (1996)


Wikipedia: Graph Theory


Wikipedia: Adjacency list

Graph utilities


Reoptimization of k Path vertex cover problems (k-PCVP)

The objective in k Path vertex cover problem is to compute a minimum subset \(S\) of the vertices in a graph \(G\) such that \(S\) covers all the paths of length \(k\) in the graph

Note k-PVCP will be referred as minimum k-PVCP throughout the package

PTAS for unweighted k-PVCP under constant size graph insertion 8

PTAS 9 algorithm when a constant size graph is inserted to the old graph. By constant graph we mean a graph having constant number of vertices.


Kumar M., Kumar A., Pandu Rangan C. (2019) Reoptimization of Path Vertex Cover Problem. In: Du DZ., Duan Z., Tian C. (eds) Computing and Combinatorics. COCOON 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11653. Springer, Cham <>


Wikipedia: PTAS

UnweightedPVCP.reoptimize_ptas - Method to perform the algorithm

k-PVCP utilities

Some utilities for k path vertex cover

Package documentation


Package implementing some well known Reoptimization algorithms


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